Omega L. Adams
Junior Editor
Omega Adams graduated from Flagler College in 2022 with distinction from the Honors College. She majored in Criminology and Pre-Law.
At Cumberland, Omega is a member of the school's National Trial Team and serves as Director of the James O. Haley Federal Trial Competition. She also served as a Caruthers Writing Fellow during the 2023-2024 academic year. During her time on the National Trial Team, Omega placed first in the AAJ Southeast Regional Student Trial Advocacy Competition and the Haley Federal Civil Trial Competition, and she placed in the top 8 in the AAJ National Student Trial Advocacy Competition. Omega was also a semi-finalist in 1L Williams Trial Competition. With her many trial accolades, she won the 2023-2024 Sara L. Williams Advocate of the Year Award. Omega has also received the CALI Scholar of Merit Award for Torts and has been named to the dean's list each semester during her time in law school. Her work "Dual Panic Theory: New Insight into Moral Panics" was published in volume 24 of the Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society Journal.
In her free time, Omega enjoys trying new restaurants around Birmingham, working out at Orange Theory, and baking bread.